Thursday, February 21, 2008

Euphoria 2008...The Navodaya Festival

Euphoria 2008>>>>

This is somewhat a Festival of navodaya.
the actual event is frm 2nd March 2008 to 4th of same. but the competitions are already started and the inaguration is over. almost 9 colleges of NavodyaTrust are participating in around 40 arts competitions and 18 sports compettitions.

am a navodayan, who wud like to share the joy to all those who knws navodaya....Let's be together for this MAn!!!
Dear Navodayans, this is the time to rock and swing! let's hav a time togethr.
Those who are away from the college too wil get a chance to pave a glance to the mind-blowing performe by our dearest................let's be cool and enjoy this event.

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